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- Reinventing Customer Success as a Growth Engine
Reinventing Customer Success as a Growth Engine
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Hi, Markus here. Welcome to a free edition of the Customer-Value-Led-Growth Newsletter.
Every week, I share strategies, guides, and frameworks to help you create exceptional value for your customers and company.
If you are not a paid subscriber, here’s what you might have missed:
Hey fellow CS lovers,
as the year 2023 is coming to an end soon I think we can all agree:
It has been very difficult to be in Customer Success.
For many, it has been the hardest test they have ever experienced in their careers.
So let me ask you:
Are you tired of
Burning out without hope it’s getting better anytime soon?
Seeing your churn rate going up despite doubling your efforts?
Being in constant fear that your role will be terminated?
Listening to the echo chamber that CS has become?
Then it’s time for something new.
The next step of evolution
It’s time to reinvent Customer Success as a growth engine and unlock its full potential.
Screw the non-stop firefighting, band-aiding and quick-fixing
Screw wasting your time with customers who will never see success
Screw getting asked “What’s the ROI of Customer Success”
After testing various formats and platforms in 2023 I’m happy to announce:
The Customer Value-Led Growth Community.
One group to rule them all.
One group to ditch the old ways.
One group to replace them all
and in growth unite them
In Customer Value where the treasures lie.
(Yes, I’m a huge fantasy & sci-fi nerd 😁 ).
What’s waiting for you inside
The CVLG community rests on 3 pillars:
Unique content that helps you to build a new mindset, strategies, and processes.
Weekly events that help you take deeper dives and better understand the framework.
Member Forum to accelerate progress through swarm intelligence.
No noise, no distractions, no off-topic.
Laser-focus on a single mission and goal: Delivering, growing, and monetizing customer value.
For Jobseekers
I know firsthand how mentally draining the job search can be.
Hearing ‘No’ dozens or even hundreds of times.
Doubting yourself and feeling defeated.
If you are unemployed you can join the community for free until you find a new job.
Improving your skills and knowledge while also helping others will give you purpose and positive distraction.
The release is planned for mid-January, or early February at the latest.
Does that sound like the place you want to be?
You can pre-join via the waitlist here.
How I can be of further help:
Deliver 10x more value with the Customer-Value-Led-Growth Program and unlock your full growth potential.
Promote your product or service to 3.900+ subscribers sponsoring my newsletter.
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